Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Why Linux?

Linux is booming every where and we hear Linux every where.Many of you would like to know what makes Linux so special.Why not discuss " Why Linux?" or must say "What makes Linux best choice?" In short advantages of Linux are mentioned in this blog. One of the best method to know what makes Linux special is to use it yourself,explore it and feel the experience.So try Linux and you will never look back to any other OS, I am sure. From my personal experience I would explain the advantages of Linux:
  • Linux is open source.With open source end user has the flexibility to modify Linux's source code. In short the user has freedom  to modify source code which in turn imparts more power to the end user.
  • Linux is network friendly as the network of servers,clients and  workstations can easily be setup. Linux facilitates sharing of network,cpu,modem and other such devices very easily.
  • Linux is almost free and is a low cost OS as most of the compilers,document viewers,browsers and other such applications come free with the OS. End user doesn't have to gain software licences as much of its software come with the GNU General Public License.
  • You can very well customize the Linux kernel to suit your needs.You can even make Linux as small as 1.4 Mb which can fit on even floppy drive.
  • Linux is very Reliable and Backwards-Compatible
  • Linux being open source,open source communities fix the security  vulnerabilities very fast.
  • Linux is almost free form viruses, worms, spy-ware, and other kinds of malware plagues.You don't need to get the Anti-virus Licences.
  • Linux and other Unix-like operating systems are well protected and are designed to be secure.
  •  Linux provides high performance on workstations and on networks and can  it handle unusually large numbers of users simultaneously. 
  • Linux is stable as it doesn't need to be rebooted periodically and doesn’t freeze up or slow down over time due to memory leaks.
  • Linux has excellent X windows System which is very flexible.
  • Linux is Multitasking.
  • Linux supports almost all the platforms like x86, AMD64, Intel® 64 and Itanium.
  • Linux has good community support in the form of forums,blogs etc.
  • Some Linux flavours like Ubuntu  gets updated automatically with latest bug patches, security patches automatically. 

1 comment:

  1. •Linux is the kernel of an operating system.
    •Linux was built on the Unix tradition.
    •Linux was originally developed by Linus Torwalds of Finland, who currently owns the Linux trademark.
    •Linux stands for Linus' Unix.
    •Using the open source code of the Linux kernel, people have been developing operating systems based on the Linux kernel. These are called the "Linux distributions".

    Now a days Linux is in great demand,as AIX,HP-UNIX and Solaris all are Migrating to Linux.
    Its very good to start forum where we can post a Linux issues or discuss on Linux Topics.
    -Nitin Pothu,Linux Specialist- IBM India Pvt Ltd.
